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Membership Options

Free Membership

Our free membership provides access to an active community forum, an exhaustive guide to State Schemes, a Services Directory and essential updates on General Practice developments - information not easily accessible before the creation of GPPA.

Premium Membership

For those seeking enhanced resources and support, our Premium membership offers access to an extensive array of practice management toolkits. These include practical guides, customisable templates such as employee handbooks and contracts, and informative webinars. Designed to streamline operations and bolster efficiency, our resources empower practices to implement meaningful change and effectively navigate the evolving landscape of General Practice.


Premium Members also get discounts on GPPA training and events, and exclusive offers from our industry partners!


If you would prefer to pay via direct debit, please contact


*You must be a signed in free member of GP Practice Ally to subscribe below.

Premium Membership

Premium membership will give you access to a comprehensive suite of resources (including how-to guides, practical templates and checklists) across all the GP Practice Management topics:


  • Practice Management Role

  • Business Planning

  • Financial Management

  • Operations Management

  • Human Resources

  • Health & Safety

  • Chronic Disease Management


You will also get exclusive access to our regular lunchtime webinars, which are concise and focus on practical management advice.

For an annual subscription fee of €480, you will receive:

  • Unlimited access to our suite of GP Practice Management resources

  • 1 additional login for your practice

  • Regular informative webinars

  • Discounts from industry partners (to the value of over €1,000 - view here)

  • Discounts on our future workshops, courses and conferences 


We believe this offers tremendous value for money for practices. Take even just our first CDM webinar, often mentioned in our testimonials. If we can help you to identify only 3 additional CDM patients this will add enough revenue to cover the cost of Premium membership for a year. Layer on top of this our valuable resources and discounts and it just makes sense!

Benefits of Premium Membership

Our mission is to help practices to implement positive change to become more profitable, more productive and more competitive. Our practical resources have been designed to save you time and energy, and to build your confidence in running a modern, well-managed practice capable of adapting to the ever-changing landscape of General Practice.


It is our goal that Premium members will have an increased understanding and awareness of:

  • The complexities of the practice management role and the importance of planning for the future.

  • How to operate effective financial control systems and the basic principles of management and financial accounts.

  • How to optimise existing practice systems and introduce new solutions to improve operational efficiency and maximise value for patients, staff and the practice.

  • Employment and health & safety legislation in Ireland to maintain compliance and protect the welfare of staff and patients.



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